It’s incredible to watch the riders ride so close together at high speeds. Riding 20 miles per hour and inches apart conserves energy that allows them to go further than if any one of them were riding alone. The air pocket created by the leader protects the following riders from pushing against the wind. Taking turns as leader and “drafting” in a line can save 20 and 40% of a rider’s energy expenditure. Over long distances, #ridingTOGETHER allows you to ride further.
#whatwecandoTOGETHER #togethertoorlando
Home > It’s incredible to watch the riders ride so close together at high speeds. Riding 20 miles per hour and inches apart conserves energy that allows them to go further than if any one of them were riding alone. The air pocket created by the leader protects the following riders from pushing against the wind. Taking turns as leader and “drafting” in a line can save 20 and 40% of a rider’s energy expenditure. Over long distances, #ridingTOGETHER allows you to ride further.
#whatwecandoTOGETHER #togethertoorlando