The Factory Ministries exists to empower people, connect resources, and build community. We believe the best way to address poverty is to empower individuals with tools and resources through relationship.


Have you ever tried to “help” someone in need and found yourself frustrated? Have you ever been “helped” by someone but felt micromanaged? Like there were strings attached to their help? The typical approaches to poverty are frustrating and inaffective.



typical approach to poverty

I give to you because you are in need and I have the resources to help. I do not expect anything in return although I often wonder what you are going to do to change your situation.

I still give to you but I am frustrated that you are not doing anything to change your situation. I try harder, and I try to change you so that you can overcome your problems.

I am frustrated and decide that I am not going to help you anymore or at all. It seems to me that you are doing nothing to help yourself. I don’t understand why you won’t change.




I am not going to judge you or try to change you. I realize that your situation is complicated and my easy solutions may not work. I will support you in your journey but I will not just give to you. I will help provide the resources that you need to make your own changes. I know that financial resources are only part of the problem and that you may need other resources including: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and relational.


The Factory Ministries is addressing poverty
(every person and every age)
by empowering individuals,
connecting resources,
and building community.

Learn more about our services and programs.

& Kindergarten – 6th Grade
AGES: Birth – 5 Years
Building Braves

A child’s learning and future success begin in the home. When we educate parents, visit families in their homes, provide books and learning opportunities for the whole family, children grow and thrive. Our Early Learning and Elementary staff and programs empower families with tools and resources so that children can read better, graduate from high school, and become contributing members to our community.


How do we begin addressing issues of poverty? Start with the kids. Because thriving children means a flourishing community both now and for generations to come.


Early Learning
Welcome Baby Braves Kits
Play & Learn, Imagination Library
Home Visiting Program
Kindergarten Transition
Summer Food Program


Elementary Advocacy

Brave Buddies Mentoring
Brave Kids Summer Camp
BLAST (Building Lives and Sharing Truth)
Brave Kids Learner Support

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AGES: 7th-12th GRADE

Teenage years can be difficult, especially for teens in constant family crisis. Under-resourced teens struggle with loneliness and isolation. Many lack the skills necessary for adult life. Our Youth Center staff and programs empower teens to grow with practical skills, healthy relationships, and an understanding of God’s love through Jesus. We want every teen to see their innate value to God and, therefore, to us! We want teens to uncover the unique gifts they have to offer to the world. Through fun events and activities, school visits, mentorship, and learning support, teens at Factory believe their journey matters and view their future story with hope and promise. 


Open Door Night
Step Up Homework Club
Winter & Summer Camp
Field Trips
Student Services

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AGES: 18+

Where would you be in life without your family and friends? Your education? Your job? Your car?


At The Factory, we believe poverty is a lack of resources, and wealth is more than the money in your bank account. Individuals who walk through our doors for help step into one of three program tracks: Relational Track – building community and friendship, connecting to the local church; Triage Track – addressing the basic needs of shelter, food, warmth, and safety; and Goal Track – setting goals and working towards independence and a new future story. We learn and listen to the whole story, see participants as our friends, and connect them to tools and resources. Then, we get to witness their God-given ability to make changes and grow.


Resource Exploration
Triage Track
Goal Setting Track
Getting Ahead
Relational Track
Community Care Team

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We’re proud of the Factory Market as a system of empowerment in action. Through goal achievement and appointments with their advocate, individuals earn Factory Bucks to spend in the Factory Market. Individuals schedule appointments to shop through the Market for fresh produce, milk, eggs, toiletries, and pantry items. Through this system, shoppers use Factory Bucks they have earned to choose food items their families will enjoy and use, the same way we do at a grocery store. People leave with a cart full of groceries and their dignity.



Need help with groceries? Call (717) 687-9594

All of the food in the Market is donated. Our community is responsible for so much of what you see here on the shelves. Individuals, churches, businesses, and the school district drop off food at our monthly food drive or host their own. We receive weekly donations from Rutters, Down on the Farm Creamery, Wawa, and Weis Markets. The Market would be impossible to run without our volunteers. We have volunteers who work behind the counter during shopping hours, pick up donations, and help stock the shelves. What a picture of community!



Bridge House East
Crisis Housing
Pathways to My Home

What would you do if you lost your home and had no one to stay with? You could live in a hotel, but that will ruin your finances if the crisis hasn’t already. You could live in a homeless shelter, but your family will be split up (men and women are not allowed together, and men can’t be with children.) How long can you live in your car?

Without housing, it is nearly impossible to address the crisis that made you homeless. Our Housing Programs are short-term support; every program is designed to move families in and then out. Our programs connect families to the much-needed resources, including friendship, access to Factory Market, job opportunities, budgeting, counseling, landlord communication, and children and family programs. The family has space to breathe and is loved by staff and community members.

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