In the wake of devastation, there is hope!

In the wake of devastation, there is hope!

In the wake of the devastation from Hurricane Harvey and now the impending devastation that will be caused by Hurricane Irma, and with the fires in the west and now the earthquake in Mexico, I am reminded that there is so much about our lives that is out of our control. Each of us have experienced and will experience trials and difficulties that go beyond what our resources can resolve.

It is times like this that we come together and are reminded of what unites us, not divides us. We rely on a God who loves us and on the love and support of one another.  Please give folks affected by these natural disasters your prayers and any other help that you can offer.

Please also join us in supporting those in our community who find themselves in situations beyond their resources as well.  Together, with God’s help and blessing, we can offer hope to those in hopeless situations.

Our prayers go out to the residents of Texas, the islands in the Atlantic, and now the state of Florida. In addition, we pray for those affected by the fires in the west and the victims of the earthquake in Mexico.

Please watch this video and be encouraged that no matter what our political party, in times of crisis we come together.


Because everyone’s journey matters,

Chuck Holt

Kate Lab

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